“play and learn in a place just like home”
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Sunbright preschool is committed to providing kids the joys of learning basic skills in a child friendly environment just like home. Within appropriate boundaries, individual choice is encouraged to allow all children to participate actively and learn about the world around them.
Our curriculum materials allows them to conduct actual activities using the real tools for creating, building, cooking , drawing , etc.
Our school values every child equally , and affirming the positive value of different skin colors, genders, religious, cultural and family background.
Our curriculum is carefully designed to provide continuity and progressive development of the children. It is based on the theory of children’s multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, Ph.D from Harvard University. It suggests several different kinds of children’s intelligences and by recognizing them. Teachers will help the students to understand and appreciate their strengths and identify real-world activities that will stimulate more learning. The areas of children’s multiple intelligences covered by the curriculum are :
Sensory and perceptual
Physical and motor skills
EPL ( self-help-skill)
Reading readiness
Social and emotional
Cultural & geography
Nature &science
Those areas are then enriched with the following subjects :
Cooking projects
Creative or dramatic play
Story time
Computer study
Bahasa Indonesia
Field trip